Open: 24/7
Lijet MHRSLijet MHRSLijet MHRS
Available 24/7
Regina. S4Y 0H1, Canada


Join Us

Join Our Team of Compassionate Professionals

Are you passionate about making a difference in people’s lives? At Lijet Respite Home, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, compassionate care for individuals and families. As part of our team, you’ll have the opportunity to work in a supportive environment where your contributions are valued and your growth is encouraged. Join us in creating a safe, nurturing space that brings comfort and peace to those who need it most.


Our mission goes beyond providing respite care

We are about fostering an environment where you can thrive. We believe that our team is our greatest asset, and we invest in each member’s personal and professional growth.

Empathy & Integrity

We prioritize compassion and ethical practices in every aspect of our work.

Collaboration & Respect

Our team works closely together, supporting each other to provide the best care.

Professional Development

We offer continuous training and growth opportunities for our employees.

Ready to join us to make a difference?

Explore our open positions and apply today. Don’t see the perfect fit? Upload your CV to our talent bank for future opportunities.

Personal Support Worker

Mental Health & Psychiatric Nurse

Health Care Manager

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)