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Regina. S4Y 0H1, Canada

Michelle Campbell

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Our Dedicated Team is Here for You

Our team is committed to providing compassionate and professional care. Each member is highly trained, dedicated, and brings a unique skill set to ensure your family feels supported, valued, and understood.

Michelle Campbell

Executive Director

Michelle Campbell, our esteemed Executive Director, brings a wealth of experience and compassion to her role at Lijet Respite Home. With a Bachelor of Social Works from the University of Regina, Michelle has dedicated her professional life to supporting children, youth, young adults, and families across various fields. Her career has been marked by over 30 years of meaningful impact and fulfillment, but it is her personal journey that inspired her commitment to this respite program.

As a mother to a young man with multiple diagnoses, Michelle understands firsthand the challenges and rewards that families on this journey experience. Her life has been filled with moments of joy, resilience, and love, alongside the days of exhaustion and uncertainty that many families can relate to. This personal experience has deepened her understanding of the vital role that quality respite care plays in supporting families.

At Lijet Respite Home, Michelle leads a team of fully vetted, trained, and dedicated staff who provide compassionate respite services in a welcoming, home-like environment. From her family to yours, Michelle pledges that each family member will be cherished and well-cared-for, allowing families the peace of mind to rest, recharge, and rejuvenate.

Expert team member

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)